Stunning Deliveries - Joy’s Tiny Treasures
Have you ever seen something be it a painting, architecture, sculpture or, of course, a piece of jewelry that is so exquisite that you cannot deny the almost divine level of craftsmanship and talent that it took to create it?
I've been fortunate to have had several of these "Moments of Awe," as I like to call them. They are those moments when something of such great beauty and incredible craftsmanship could only have been created by someone who was touched by God.
I experienced one of these moments when marveling at a stature carved by the great sculptor, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, when The Mr. and I were in Rome. Once in Tucson when I visited the San Xavier Mission. Again when a dear friend and mentor invited me into her home and allowed me the pleasure of holding a once lost work of art by a Renaissance Master. And most recently when I spotted this pre-ban ivory cherub brooch from Joy's Tiny Treasures.
Now, before I go any further, I have a disclaimer. I am an animal lover. I have worked, and volunteered, for years in the animal rescue field. I do not support the killing or poaching of any animal for their ivory. But this post is not about poaching, the illegal ivory trade or the buying/selling of pre-ban ivory. What it is about - craftsmanship, the talent of the carver and the beauty of the work itself - regardless of the medium that was used.
When I saw this cherub brooch, I was immediately struck by the face of the angel. The look of innocence on his face. The detail in the individual feathers on the wings and the tiny puckered lips. The cherub himself was a work of art obviously carved by a master. It humbled me and created a sense of awe.
I've been fortunate to have had several of these "Moments of Awe," as I like to call them. They are those moments when something of such great beauty and incredible craftsmanship could only have been created by someone who was touched by God.
One of the sculptures depicting the 12 trials of Christ by Gian Lorenzo Bernini that linesthe bridge to the Castel San'Angelo in Rome. |
I experienced one of these moments when marveling at a stature carved by the great sculptor, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, when The Mr. and I were in Rome. Once in Tucson when I visited the San Xavier Mission. Again when a dear friend and mentor invited me into her home and allowed me the pleasure of holding a once lost work of art by a Renaissance Master. And most recently when I spotted this pre-ban ivory cherub brooch from Joy's Tiny Treasures.
The detail in the carving of this little cherub is simply stunning! From the hair & flowers to the detail in the wings & feathers. |
Now, before I go any further, I have a disclaimer. I am an animal lover. I have worked, and volunteered, for years in the animal rescue field. I do not support the killing or poaching of any animal for their ivory. But this post is not about poaching, the illegal ivory trade or the buying/selling of pre-ban ivory. What it is about - craftsmanship, the talent of the carver and the beauty of the work itself - regardless of the medium that was used.
The innocence of the little angel is obvious. The level of talent required to convey such emotion is hard to fathom. |
When I saw this cherub brooch, I was immediately struck by the face of the angel. The look of innocence on his face. The detail in the individual feathers on the wings and the tiny puckered lips. The cherub himself was a work of art obviously carved by a master. It humbled me and created a sense of awe.
I love wearing brooches in nontraditional ways such as hair ornaments. It makes me wish I had a black tie event to attend because this little cherub would be ideal for an up-do. |
It was this sense of awe that drew me to this incredible brooch in the first place. It was the subject matter coupled with that awe which stayed with me.
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