Feature Friday Q&A with Carol Greiwe of Carol Greiwe Jewelry

Industrial furniture has been the rage for a bit now.  And, I admit, I'm a bit taken with it myself.  I love the idea of re-purposing something no longer useful into something new and beautiful.  The rivets, the metal, the mixture of textures and color is just amazing.  Frankly, I've loved it since the first time I saw a bit rusty metal. 

That is exactly how I felt the first time I saw today's Feature Friday artist - Carol Greiwe of Carol Greiwe Jewelry.  Some of her rings have this most amazing rivet detail and the mix of metals plus ceramics is just sheer perfection!  The glaze colors are superb!

And I know that once you see her work, you'll be completely enamoured as well!  I know you're going to enjoy today Feature Friday with Carol of Carol Greiwe Jewelry!

Carol Greiwe

1.  What prompted your passion for jewelry and jewelry design?
A door was opened to me nearly 18 years ago to apprentice and work with a jeweler. Through that experience, I found my passion and form of creativity.

2.  What is your favorite piece or collection?
My ceramic collection. Being a fabricator, my ceramic collection is original and one of a kind in every aspect of the piece, from making the ceramic stone to building the setting.

Ceramic Rings - Aren't these amazing?!?!  The color & depth is stunning.  How each ring also
demonstrates it's own unique texture simply adds to their appeal.

3.  What would your perfect “jewelry day” involve / be like?
I live the perfect jewelry day, almost daily. Spending 8-10 hours in my studio expressing my creative ideas through my hands, working directly with the metal. Watching the alchemy come together and putting the finished piece out in the world.

These are absolutely dreamy; my favorites!  The mix of metals + the gemstones = jewelry dreams!
Seriously, what is not to love about these rings?!?!  I am in heaven!

4.  Thus far, what would you say is your proudest jewelry moment or memory?
That's a hard one. I've crossed many proud thresholds. If I have to choose one, it would be my first show. Launching my ideas and designs. The response was amazing and it propelled me forward.

I love these disc rings of Carol's!  The reflections in the hand-hammered bowls & the way the light
plays in them like reflections on a stream....So perfectly organic!

5.  Where do you find your greatest inspiration?
My surroundings. Nature. Color. Texture. Form. Architecture. 

6.  In your personal wardrobe, do you find that you gravitate to one particular jewelry accessory (rings vs. necklace vs. bracelets vs. watches, etc.) more often than others?
I'm crazy about rings. I love making them and I love wearing them. It's artwork for your hand. And you, the wearer, get to enjoy seeing them on. 

The rivet detail on these Box Rings just slays me!  So industrial & the mixture of materials plus textures is divine!

7.  When putting together an outfit, how do you feel about mixing metals, designs and even new with vintage pieces?
I'm a big fan of mixing metals. In fashion and design, mixing it up works with an underlying theme. 

8.  Layering seems to be a trend that is here to stay, for now. What are your feelings on the layered look?  How do you like layered necklaces with layered bracelets plus layered rings? 
I think the layered look is fun and sexy. I especially love the look of layered bracelets and stacking different rings together.

Leaf Nest Pendant - Just in case you thought Carol only did rings...Check out this stunning pendant!
The fabulous rivet details with the ceramic details & hammered details are amazing!

9.  What advice would you give to budding jewelry designers? To budding fine jewelry collectors?
Follow your dreams. Stand strong. Experiment. Believe in yourself. Stay open. Keep moving forward...

Flash Question - Dream trip destination?

Ceramic Double Ring - This ring so much remind of leaves on a the water.  I love how Carol has
mixed both organic and industrial styles to create a unique look that is indictitive of her own personal style.  

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